Cognitive restructuring
'Cognition' is a word used to denote a thought or belief, and 'restructuring' involves challenging a cognition by looking at the evidence for or against it. The basic idea behind cognitive restructuring is that thoughts themselves are not facts; you need to consider whether the thoughts you are having are true and to consider whether there are any other ways to thinking about a particular situation. At first this can be a real challenge: we often believe what we think and don't question our own thoughts. However, often our thinking is biased, and with perfectionism it can be biased towards thinking too negatively and harshly about yourself.
Chunking a task
This tool is designed to help reduce procrastination by changing your behaviour through breaking down tasks into more manageable sections or 'chunks'.
This technique involves thinking of a sequence of small tasks which lead to achieving a bigger task.
Now that you have a better idea about what leads you to procrastinate, and you've compared the costs and benefits of procrastination, the next exercise is designed to help tackle your procrastination.
This example shows how Simon was able to break down his task of cleaning his flat.
Perfectionistic belief
I must have a perfectly clean and tidy house.
Perfectionistic prediction
I will not be able to get every room to look as neat and tidy as I want, so I might was well not try.
Challenge for unhelpful belief/prediction:
I don't need every room to look immaculate, but if I can at least do the vacuuming I will feel better for having made an effort.
If I am able to do a small amount of cleaning, it will give me more confidence that I can tackle the cleaning in the future.
The idea is to break down a large goal into manageable chunks and to give each chunk a difficulty rating from 0 (easiest) to 100 (hardest). The smaller the break down, the easier and more manageable each chunk will appear.
Simon's break down of cleaning into manageable chunks
0 - Think about problem of procrastinating cleaning my flat
10 - Write this list of tasks to be done for cleaning my flat
20 - Put away clothes in bedroom
30 - Vacuum bedroom
40 - Clear items from floor in lounge room
50 - Vacuum lounge
60 - Clear items from dining table
70 - Put away books in study
80 - Mop kitchen floor
90 - Clean pantry
100 - Clean kitchen oven
Goal: Clean my flat
Chunking is a favourable solution if you are 'waiting until you feel motivated' before starting a task. A common misconception amongst procrastinators is the belief that motivation precedes action when in fact it is the other way around: it takes action to get motivated. Hence it is better to get started by doing a small, manageable chunk of a task: that way your motivation will build as each single step is achieved, giving you momentum to complete the full task.
Now it's your turn. Download the following activity to have a go at chunking a task you procrastinate doing.